To address the climate crisis, inequality, and injustice, Be The Green is calling all communities - especially creatives - to work with us to communicate the Green New Deal in ways everyone can understand.

Make It Green Button by Ryan Oakley - from Creative Action Network

Make It Green Button by Ryan Oakley - from Creative Action Network


The UN says we have about 10 years left before climate change will be irreversible. This means hundreds of millions or billions of people will be refugees, or lack sufficient food or water. We have little time and many challenges, but we still have a chance to fix this.

The Green New Deal is our best shot at a just transition to a sustainable society on the scale, scope, and timeline of the climate crisis. It’s a 10 year economic mobilization to 100% sustainability, guaranteed living wage jobs, and healthcare, housing, job training, education, and reparation of oppression for all. To address the problem, we all must understand the solutions!

Although most people support GND policies, most people don’t know exactly what it is. This is because mainstream media tends to use tactical framing,” a focus on politics over substance, and this makes us measurably more cynical and less informed.

In the time of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement for racial justice, the GND is more relevant and urgent than ever.

”To change everything, we need everyone” (Greta Thunberg). We need to be able to see the shared vision of the GND in many different ways so everyone can understand it and work to achieve it together. Through cultural art mediums like songs, games, graphics, commercials, group activities, etc, we are calling all creatives to help make the GND come alive.


Scientists say we have 10 years to address the climate crisis before it is irreversible. We have to change everything as soon as possible. The Green New Deal is a bold set of goals to address climate change on the scale, scope and timeline of the crisis. The media is not really communicating the substance of the GND, so we must do it ourselves so we can collectively build the GND together.

Art brings a new dimension to communication, and some argue cultural change proceeds political change. Imagine what the Green New Deal would mean to you in your life.

If you’d like to join us, use this thumbnail sketch sheet to answer the questions: What is the Green New Deal? What would it look like? Why does it matter? How can we make it happen? Then, SHARE!

If you’re a professional artist, consider applying for an art commission.

What are the most important parts of the GND to you, and those around you? Communicate the urgency, purpose, and possibility of the GND in your own words, to your own communities, so that everyone can be a part of the conversation of where we’re going, why, and how. Please feel free to use these materials and ideas for sharing the GND with groups!

Donate to help us commission artists.

Your donation allows us to offer $500 commissions for artists to create works that communicate the urgency of the Green New Deal. For every $500 we receive, we will be able to support another artist as they bring the GND to life.

“Do it for the children” by Benjamin James from Creative Action Network

“Do it for the children” by Benjamin James from Creative Action Network