BE THE GREEN is a creative movement to communicate the Green New Deal to all of our communities. Through art, we aim to to build a collaborative media campaign to convey the urgency, purpose, and possibility of the Green New Deal.

Why do we need the Green New Deal?

  • A changing climate is causing sea levels to rise and an increase in wildfires, severe storms, droughts, and other extreme weather events that are claiming human life, healthy communities, and critical infrastructure and will only get worse without action

  • The United States has historically been responsible for a disproportionate amount of greenhouse gas emissions, having emitted 20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions through 2014

  • Climate change, pollution, and environmental destruction have exacerbated systemic racial, regional, social, environmental, and economic injustices by disproportionately affecting indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, de-industrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth 

  • Climate change constitutes a direct threat to the immediate and long-term global security, including in the US, by impacting the economic, environmental, and social stability of countries and communities; and by acting as a threat multiplier

What does the desired future look like?

  • Zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers

  • The creation of millions of good, high-wage jobs and ensuring prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States

  • Investments in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century

  • Clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all

  • Achieving justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of frontline and vulnerable communities


What goals does the Green New Deal implement in its 10-year mobilization?

What is the plan to get there? 

Given that most establishment politics and mainstream media are not focusing on the urgency, purpose, and possibility of the Green New Deal, it falls to We, The People, to be the leaders we have been waiting for. We cannot wait for elections - the climate crisis is too urgent.

We must know what we want and spread the word so that we can work together to achieve it. It’s truly up to us, so we must be brave.

To create the necessary cultural and policy sea-changes, we'll need:

  • A critical mass of shared understanding and ownership of the Green New Deal to insist that all of our leaders built it now

  • Strong, broad-based coalition movements comprised of climate, environmental, food and farming, social and economic justice organizations, housing, healthcare, labor, and all communities - with the Green New Deal as the basis for a large-scale vision

  • Persistent efforts to build a People’s Green New Deal over the next 10 years and beyond and lead our leaders


What part can everyday people like us play?

Be The Green is working to communicate and amplify the vision of the Green New Deal.

You can get involved in any of these three strategies:

  • Learn about the Green New Deal by reading the Congressional resolution, this learning page, or watching these videos.

  • Share your favorite creative works on social media outlets and engage your friends & family.

  • Speak directly with people in your life about the GND as an option to save ourselves in the time we have left. Personal communication is perhaps the most essential part of people learning about the choice before us.

  • Creatively communicate the Green New Deal to your own community (and share it with us). This will help counter the traditional media’s tactical framing approach.

  • Donate to help us commission artists to make the Green New Deal come alive. Refer an artist to apply for a $500+ commission.

  • Organize group art and education activities that help people understand the urgency, purpose, and possibility of the GND.

  • Working directly with us to implement Be The Green and amplify our work. Contact us if you’d like to be a part of the team!